2012年3月19日 星期一

101-2 photos of Flora Expo in April,2011


Subject: 小二低年級國語課程或​數學補救策略等等 請賜給我一份 讀
這兩天真刺激 :
1. 從來沒學過 什麼"攜手計畫的補救教學策略與兩個禮拜後的實施補救的成效與學生表現的陳述" 

2. 終於昨晚趕工 整理出方針與報告

3. 今早第二節下課時間必須向教務主任  輔導教師 和校長報告

4. 首先聽完任教十年的三年級導師 我還沒理清怎麼回事的補救  只聽到 校長瀕瀕讚揚 "很棒 非常好"
5. 換我時
   1) 被指正 要 "聚焦" 僅提一件要補救的點,  不可以把數件一起寫; 更不可把國數問題寫在一份報告
   2) 練習看"不惑"的臉  趕緊點頭 說 是
   3) 有課  故先回教室上課  約第四節沒課 再報告
   4)  學生 在體育課當中下樓梯時, 一位重量級的推兩位同學,   緊急,  馬上處理
        故電教務主任 換時間 ----> 不到十分鐘 太棒了,  主任說她在圖書館忙,  校長有賓客 ,故不能討論  
   5)  午餐時間 打餐同學沒來,  一年級老師在打菜,  幸好我也去巡視 二年級排隊(我的學生) 是否遵守安靜等候領午餐
        我也加入 打菜,   沒一二分鐘  校長來了  (Lucky me)  大人允許我先送書面(電郵),  不必印
   6)  沒上廁所 沒喝水 中飯也未好好咀嚼,  終於把校長要求的報告, 分成單一 事件的補救教學, 共三件o 下午兩點送交了,
       就等候下一階段的修正或 重作的!
我有記得向師父祈求救救我o  反正就是學習,  不對其味, 就改o  成就自己的精進  忍辱  與靜慮,
 (難怪中飯 直覺餓  飯後 吃了4顆牛軋糖)  記錄完畢 (將放入部落格 記住)o 

感謝您的時間  若有人是弄過這種專業的小二低年級國語課程或數學補救策略等等  請賜給我一份 讀讀
(我校長的那份  我不懂 也無暇研究)  我知如何讓小朋友 學會 但不知如何弄這種專業要求!

100.11.1(Tuesday afternoon)

101-1 19th,March2012 FinallyI've got a chance this semester March, 2012

101-1  19th, Marcy, 2012 It was rainy, but became sunny.Wondeful!! 

1. Common Wealth(天下小叢書  希望閱讀來訪)
    Two young ladies accompanied by Ms. Darcy Kong came to visit my class and we have talked about "Reading" this afternoon around 2PM. They'd like to know any particulars I've found about the reading.
    What I have found is the students are easily influenced each other, such as there is one getting up to change another book, most of the rest are getting up to change a book for reading further. In the same time, they are easily to follow the instructor's delivery to read a book with care or with love. It needs a while to involve them in the joy of reading once the instructor is doing it together with them every day. I am also enjoying the 10 minute reading with them every morning, except Wednesday morning.

2. I am satisfied with my 13 students who are behaving well to to follow my instruction.
3. I have a good time to do "Counselling" finally.

2011年7月5日 星期二

100-4 聚餐或節慶~素食者可以努力的點,讓全家和樂的氣氛

http://www.care2.com/greenliving/vegans-at-the-family-thanksgiving.html Vegans at the Family Thanksgiving
posted by Angel Flinn Nov 24, 2009

For new vegans, and even for those who have been vegan for a long time, visiting the family home has the potential to be problematic at any time of year. And for non-vegan family members, the task of preparing food that will keep everyone happy can be daunting.This can be particularly difficult on occasions such as Thanksgiving, when sharing food is central to the gathering of family and friends. When faced with the challenge of being surrounded by the food that is generally served at such events, vegans can end up feeling so uneasy that they might decide not to attend at all. If they do choose to attend, the other guests can find themselves feeling uncomfortable about what’s on their plates.
But with understanding, patience and compassion on both sides, it is actually very easy to turn a potentially tricky situation into a fabulous time for all. Incorporating vegan dishes, and even serving a completely vegan holiday meal (as my mother and I have done many times, with great success) can lead to a new level of shared respect, love and gratitude that can actually serve to bring families closer.
When a vegan is willing to take the time and effort to help their family and loved ones incorporate delicious vegan food into the menu, and non-vegans are open-minded and even enthusiastic about trying something new, everyone can enjoy a magnificent, cruelty-free meal, and ‘veganism’ can actually become a part of the celebration.
I am truly fortunate to be part of a very accommodating family. My mother, while not a vegan herself (well, not yet anyway), is a shining example of a vegan-friendly parent, even going to such lengths as ‘veganizing’ her pre-planned Christmas gathering when a last-minute change of plans led me to decide I would be there after all.
My family’s readiness to adapt to my needs when I’m visiting is something I am tremendously grateful for, especially because I know many vegans who are not so lucky. For the vegan whose choices are not accepted by their parents or siblings, visits home can cause significant anxiety for all involved. But this really doesn’t have to be the case.
The more one’s family members are open to including vegan food in their dining (which might be dependent, in some cases, on the vegan individual being willing to help the host, where appropriate), the more welcome the vegan will feel, and the more comfortable everyone will be.
Being vegan is about embracing the philosophy of nonviolence and adjusting one’s diet and lifestyle to incorporate the values of justice, compassion and kindness to others. Although the dietary requirements that go along with this belief system may appear very restrictive at first, the truth is that vegan cuisine can be fun, exciting, delicious, healthful, and satisfying, and can make a beautiful, colorful spread for a holiday table.
Also, be sure to check out:
Vegan Chocolate Zucchini Cake

100-3 學國語的部落格 ~ 香港

Tuesday, 5th, July, 2011 @ Zhonghe Library
今剛好看到這個 ~ 圣诞快乐!  sheng dan kuai le!  Christmas Happy!

We set up a Christmas tree (圣诞树 shengdan shu)
Source: The Emeselles ~ Learning a language is important. But sometimes we find there are other things more important.


這有趣 故張貼分享




100-2 學期結束En fin,my days from 1st till 5th, July. New Learning & Improving

5th, July, 2011 Tuesday  100-2:  學期在100.6.30 終於順利的過了一學年,我學會:
1. Thanks to the principal
    1) I know the more I learn, the more I improve myself with much gratitude to Ms. Lin, Ms. Yang, Mr. Shih who have been very helpful during the first and second semesters.
    2) The parents day - I should have prepared more memo for parents to understand what I am going to do in the coming year in more details, especially Chinese, Math and Life class.
    3) Life education and Multi-cultural education
2. From the beginning to the end, there are a lot for me to repeat again in Grade  2:
    1) Who needs to study more at school in the after, and why after visiting each student's home and parents or guardians.
    2) What to catch up with Ms. Lin in the Multi-cultural education. I have to read her essay (Mater essay on the multi-cultural society in Taiwan???)
    3) Monday reading - a list for the student to follow
    4) Weekly afternoon - what kind of activity to do, in order to integrate my teaching plan integrated with Life edu or Multi-cultural class.
    5) Chinese & Math HW to complete in accordance with the 1st, middle anf final exam.
    6) English syllabus

3. I have to read the books designated by Class Leader Ms. Wang, in order to smooth my learning and teaching well in the consecutive year till 2012, and 2013.

4. After the end of the semester, i.e. 30st, June, 2011
    1) Study hard in the English Semina
       100.7.1 9:00~16:00 參加台北萬芳國小盧貞穎老師講授"能力指標與英語教學內容檢示"  (Competency Indicators to be in accordance with Teaching Goal - the ability of L,S,R,W and performances in the language learning.) She is wonderful and has been enthusiastic to deliver how she has tried to perform well in her 26 year experience. She is sometimes defeated, but she found out useful ways to overcome or challenge troublesome students or failure in her teaching career. She is genuine and passionate.
     2) I had a wonderful dinner with Wang I-Wen, then sleepy in the Buddhist class
         100.7.1 evening: Friday Budhhist class by Ms. Wang Li-Jun. She is really gentle and has been working hard to encourage us to study/practice the words in the Buddhistic books.
     3) Being a good kid, I bouth Sushi, fried dumpling, sandwishes, soybean milk to enrich its variety.
         100.7.2 Saturday: Prepare breakfast, go hiking, wash clothes, cook lunch and dinner.       watch several TV programs.
     4) 100.7.3 Sunday: Again being a good kid, cook breakfast, lunch and dinner, go hiking, watch TV programs with parents at home..
     5) 100.7.4 Monday: Prepare breakfast first, cook lunch, then go to have a cut and perm, to save water and drying time, watch my mom's favorite program with parents.
     6) 100.7.5 Tuesdy: Accompany parents back to the hospital for more exercise ~ rehabilitation , go to the library to do some routine job: mail checking, music listening and communicating with friends. I also have a chance to learn a freecourse.ntpc.gov.tw sponsored by the government. Hopefully I can have a chance to re-check skills or technologies from the point of a user.